Greetings, visitor! 😃

Moyvism is a religion and way of life centered around achieving Harmony with yourself and your fellows and contributing to the evolution of the species.


Core Beliefs

We believe that everything is made of Forces. Forces can be thought of as metaphysical entities. There are very many Forces of different types, and a combination of Forces makes any of the objects, bodies, liquids and gases that can or cannot be seen with our eyes.

The ultimate Force is Time. Time is the keeper of stability and purity, and the birther of the Primordial Forces. Time "pushes" any combined Forces and pressures them into breaking back to the Forces on their own. The conflict of Time and the Forces is what moves the Universe.

The Primordial Forces are the direct descendant of Time, they are responsable for the mechanics of the Universe.

Two of the Primordial Forces assist in the conflict of Time. The Force of Push is the Force of crashing, it is the one which makes the impact of other Forces, which may destroy combinations of Forces, but Push is ultimately the biggest barrier to Time.

The Force of Pull is what makes Forces come together and form the things that we see. The Force of Pull also brings smaller and larger combinations of Forces together in a cycle of reciprocal Chaos, where both sustain each other, we can see these in the dance of the Planets and the Stars.

The Force of Heat is the manifestation of movement, the resistance of the Forces against Time and the movement that comes from it makes Heat, which can be felt by Living Beings with specific senses.

From the Force of Heat came the Force of Light, the Force of Light creates a manner of feeling the movement of the Universe by sensing the Light. For many Living Beings, including humans, the Force of Light is one of the most important Primordial Forces on the Universe.

The truly most important Force for us is the Overseer: the Force of Life and Reason. The Overseer infused the smallest piece of their power in Water. From the Water was born the algae and the fish, the algae's descendants grew and became the plants and the trees, the fishes' descendants are us and all other animals.


Our Souls

We and every living being are Souls living on a Body.

We are Forces, we come from the Overseer and inherit part of Their power. All Souls have the ability to grow their bodies and the ability to birth new Souls and spread the species.

All Souls inherit from the Overseer the ability to think, but every being has only a small piece of this ability, and each being has a different manifestation of this power.

Most animals - beings that can walk, swim and fly - share an evergrowing box of moments within their Soul, the box is their Memory, and the moments are their memories. But all animals and all plants share the wish to be alive and the wish to bring new Life, this is what is called Instinct, and it is what moves most Souls.

All Souls share the need for Water - directly or indirectly - and the need for reproduction, the motivation for the continuation of Life. Souls also maintain the physical needs of their own Body, which vary from Body to Body, but all Bodies ultimately need to replenish themselves. More complex Souls - such as those of animals - also need to rest in order to replenish themselves.

The Souls are very similar in their capacity to think. But the Body - despite being the tool of the Soul - is the limit on how much of the Soul's Reason can be used. Given enough time, different animals in different Worlds can grow a body that allows more of the Soul to be used, specially the Reason, the clearest example is yourself.

We - humans - have grown bodies with enough space for our Souls to be free and for our Reason to help our Instinct. Just like other Rational Beings that we have yet to meet, with our new Body, the Overseer infused us with a new responsability, we became responsible for our World and we were given a second Soul that connects us to the World that we shall protect.

We call this second Soul the Kin. The Kin is an animal - an animal Soul, specifically - inside of you, who manifests on your Insticts.

Rational Souls such as ours have a unique and extremely important component: your Identity. When you were born, the Body that was being formed received a Soul, this Soul is you. You - your Soul - was already born with an Identity and a Kin, your Identity is what gives your deepest preferences - which are complemented, intensified or supressed by your experiences and your Memory - which are manifested in your tastes in style, in activities and in romance and how you are attracted by these.

Along with the responsability and powers gifted by the Overseer to the Rational Souls, these Souls have also freed an urge that is inherited from the Overseer, the urge to know and to learn. The Overseer is the first sentient Force and all-knowing, as such their descendants have a natural urge to reach the higher Reason of the Overseer, which is more visible on Rational Souls. And this is not bad, in fact, as they watch all beings of the Universe, the Overseer feels proud of those who hold tight their responsability to their species and also of those who also hold tight the search for knowledge on their other hand, like a mother proud of seeing their child succeed.


How to Treat Yourself

The primordial goal of any animal is to feel pleasure, we are no different. There are three important principles to achieve pleasure as a rational being.


The most important and most primordial pleasure that all animals share is the pleasure of feeling well. To achieve this pleasure, we must fulfill our essential needs, we must drink Water, eat, sleep well and mate, all with moderation and safety. Doing so gives a good feeling that keeps our Souls inspired and motivated.

Physical Health

Different from non-rational beings, we are capable of improving and evolving our Bodies to make ourselves stronger. We must push our Bodies to Its limits through exercise, in all stages of our lives, and encourage our children to do the same. We must not be jealous of those that are strong of Body, nor be ashamed of not having the Bodies of others. We must not take other Bodies as insults, but as motivation for our own self-improvement.

Physical Aesthetic

Any animal feels uncomfortable when trapped by something, any clothes will cause this feeling. Despite this, clothes are necessary for us - humans - because it gives protection to our cold-vulnerable skin and to our sensible sexual body parts. This reliance doesn't stop us from feeling well and working on our evolution. Never lose the opportunity to safely expose your Body to the breeze, and never feel ashamed of doing so. If you're fearless, face the cold and face the Heat, you will feel stronger and your children will have more powerful Bodies. But be careful of the most sensible parts of your Body, or parts that are hurt or sickly. Your chest, your back and your legs - if healthy - will most likely benefit from being exposed.

We - Rational Beings - have a strong urge to know more and more, and we also have the power to feed this urge and to enjoy the pleasure of having learnt, embrace these.

We must embrace our curiosity, we must question and explore, learning new things or deepening our existing knowledge. Every piece of knowledge - no matter how random and useless they may seem - puts pressure on the connections between our Souls and our Bodies, this pressure makes growth, and thus gives us access to more parts of our Souls.

Don't be selfish with your knowledge, spread your discoveries and experiences without assigning a price on them. Be careful of how you achieve a piece of knowledge, no amount of physical or mental or emotional harm to anyone or any being will ever be justified by the search of knowledge.

Your memories and your development may have given you urges to avoid specific things, you probably know these as fears. Many worries are justified, but any fear will ultimately strain your Body's energy. Fight your fears by training your Soul to be less 'instinctive' to what gives you fear. If you succeed and defeat your fears, you will soon notice how powerful you'll become. But be cautious, have moderation and avoid putting your Body in danger when fighting your fears.


How to Treat Others

