How to Treat Yourself
The primordial goal of any animal is to feel pleasure, we are no different. There are three important principles to achieve pleasure as a rational being.
The most important and most primordial pleasure that all animals share is the pleasure of feeling well. To achieve this pleasure, we must fulfill our essential needs, we must drink Water, eat, sleep well and mate, all with moderation and safety. Doing so gives a good feeling that keeps our Souls inspired and motivated.
Physical Health
Different from non-rational beings, we are capable of improving and evolving our Bodies to make ourselves stronger. We must push our Bodies to Its limits through exercise, in all stages of our lives, and encourage our children to do the same. We must not be jealous of those that are strong of Body, nor be ashamed of not having the Bodies of others. We must not take other Bodies as insults, but as motivation for our own self-improvement.
Physical Aesthetic
Any animal feels uncomfortable when trapped by something, any clothes will cause this feeling. Despite this, clothes are necessary for us - humans - because it gives protection to our cold-vulnerable skin and to our sensible sexual body parts. This reliance doesn't stop us from feeling well and working on our evolution. Never lose the opportunity to safely expose your Body to the breeze, and never feel ashamed of doing so. If you're fearless, face the cold and face the Heat, you will feel stronger and your children will have more powerful Bodies. But be careful of the most sensible parts of your Body, or parts that are hurt or sickly. Your chest, your back and your legs - if healthy - will most likely benefit from being exposed.
We - Rational Beings - have a strong urge to know more and more, and we also have the power to feed this urge and to enjoy the pleasure of having learnt, embrace these.
We must embrace our curiosity, we must question and explore, learning new things or deepening our existing knowledge. Every piece of knowledge - no matter how random and useless they may seem - puts pressure on the connections between our Souls and our Bodies, this pressure makes growth, and thus gives us access to more parts of our Souls.
Don't be selfish with your knowledge, spread your discoveries and experiences without assigning a price on them. Be careful of how you achieve a piece of knowledge, no amount of physical or mental or emotional harm to anyone or any being will ever be justified by the search of knowledge.
Your memories and your development may have given you urges to avoid specific things, you probably know these as fears. Many worries are justified, but any fear will ultimately strain your Body's energy. Fight your fears by training your Soul to be less 'instinctive' to what gives you fear. If you succeed and defeat your fears, you will soon notice how powerful you'll become. But be cautious, have moderation and avoid putting your Body in danger when fighting your fears.